Introduction, see Netherlands for a good example of this
Indonesia is divided into four layers of administration:
- Provinces (Provinsi)
- Regencies (Kabupaten)
- Districts (Kecamatan)
- Villages (Desa)
Typically, only the middle two are printed on signs (and occasionally the desa as well), which means it can be helpful to learn the kabupaten names in addition to the provinsi. Here we have organized them by region and province:
- Aceh (No Coverage)
- Bangka Belitung Islands
- Bengkulu
- Jambi
- Lampung
- North Sumatra
- Riau
- Riau Islands
- South Sumatra
- West Sumatra
- Jakarta (Capital Special Region)
- Yogyakarta (Special Region)
- Banten
- Central Java
- East Java
- West Java
- Central Kalimantan (Kalimantan Tengah)
- Palangka Raya City
- East Barito
- North Barito
- South Barito
- West Kotawaringin
- East Kotawaringin
- Gunung Mas
- Kapuas
- Katingan
- Lamandau
- Murung Raya
- Puland Pisau
- Sukamara
- Seruyan
- East Kalimantan (Kalimantan Timur)
- Balikpapan City
- Bontang City
- Samarinda City
- Berau
- West Kutai
- East Kutai
- Kutai Kartanegara
- Mahakam Ulu
- Paser
- Penajam North Paser
- North Kalimantan (Kalimantan Utara)
- Tarakan City
- Bulungan
- Malinau
- Nunukan
- Tana Tidung
- South Kalimantan (Kalimantan Selatan)
- Banjarbaru City
- Banjarmasin City
- Balangan
- Banjar
- Barito Kuala
- Kotabaru
- North Hulu Sungai
- Central Hulu Sungai
- South Hulu Sungai
- Tabalong
- Tanah Laut
- Tanah Bumbu
- Tapin
- West Kalimantan (Kalimantan Barat)
- Pontianak City
- Singkawang City
- Bengkayang
- Kapuas Hulu
- North Kayong
- Ketapand
- Kubu Raya
- Landak
- Melawi
- Mempawah
- Sambas
- Sanggau
- Sekadau
- Sintang
- Gorontalo
- Gorontalo City
- Boalemo
- Bone Bolango
- Gorontalo
- North Gorontalo
- Pohuwato
- Central Sulawesi (Sulawesi Tengah)
- Palu City
- Banggai
- Banggai Islands
- Banggai Laut
- Buol
- Donggala
- Morowali
- North Morowali
- Parigi Moutong
- Poso
- Sigi
- Tojo Una-Una
- Tolitoli
- North Sulawesi (Sulawesi Utara)
- Bitung City
- Kotamobagu City
- Manado City
- Tomohon City
- Bolaang Mongondow
- East Bolaang Mongondow
- North Bolaang Mongondow
- South Bolaang Mongondow
- Minahasa
- North Minahasa
- South Minahasa
- Southeast Minahasa
- Sangihe Islands
- Sitaro Islands
- Talaud Islands
- South Sulawesi (Sulawesi Selatan)
- Makassar City
- Palopo City
- Parepare City
- Bantaeng
- Barru
- Bone
- Bulukumba
- East Luwu
- Enrekang
- Gowa
- Jeneponto
- Luwu
- North Luwu
- Maros
- Pangkajene and Islands Regency
- Pinrang
- Selayar Islands
- Sinjai
- Sidenreng Rappang
- Soppeng
- Takalar
- Tana Toraja
- North Toraja
- Wajo
- Southeast Sulawesi (Sulawesi Selatantimur)
- Baubau City
- Kendari City
- Bombana
- Buton
- Central Buton
- North Buton
- South Buton
- Kolaka
- North Kolaka
- East Kolaka
- Konawe
- North Konawe
- South Konawe
- Konawe Islands
- Muna
- West Muna
- Wakatobi
- West Sulawesi (Sulawesi Barat)
- Central Mamuju
- Majene
- Mamasa
- Mamuju
- Pasangkayu
- Polewali Mandar
Lesser Sunda Islands
- Bali
- Denpasar City
- Badung
- Bangli
- Buleleng
- Gianyar
- Jembrana
- Karangasen
- Klungkung
- Tabanan
- West Nusa Tenggara (Nusa Tenggara Barat)
- Bima City
- Mataram City
- Bima
- Central Lombok
- North Lombok
- South Lombok
- East Lombok
- Dompu
- Sumbawa
- West Sumbawa
- East Nusa Tenggara (Nusa Tenggara Timur)
- Kupang City
- Alor
- Belu
- Central Sumba
- West Sumba
- East Sumba
- Southwest Sumba
- East Flores
- Manggarai
- West Manggarai
- East Manggarai
- Ende
- Kupang
- Lembata
- Malaka
- Nagekeo
- Ngada
- North Central Timor
- South Central Timor
- Rote Ndao
- Sabu Raijua
- Sikka
Maluku Islands (No Coverage)
- Maluku
- North Maluku
Western New Guinea (No Coverage)
- Central Papua
- Highland Papua
- Papua
- South Papua
- West Papua
License Plates
See Norway or Portugal for a good example of this
Phone Codes
See Bulgaria, Ukraine, or Hungary for a good example of this
Roads, Markings, and Signage
Haven't finalized the format of this, but feel free to take a crack at it, and suggest what you think is good :)
Highways & Road Numbering Schemes
See Netherlands or Portugal for a good example of this
New section that I had forgotten about. We need an example for this.
Haven't done anything on this yet, Simi's the expert
Language overview
Language uses the 26 standard letters of the Latin alphabet:
Of course, change the above text for non-Latin alphabets. Limit the below alphabet list to 32 characters including spaces, or it might not fit on smaller screens
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii
Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr
Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Sample of the language(s) from See India, Switzerland, or Belgium for an example for multilingual countries
Anything specifically related to Street View goes here, including coverage, Google car, rifts, etc.